Alabama-Mississippi Sociological Association
About A-MSA
“Established in 1969, A-MSA is a community of professionals and students dedicated to building a better world through the use of sociology and other social sciences. Our goal is to facilitate the development of knowledge in an environment that celebrates the diversity of life and recognizes the necessity of incorporating multiple forms of knowledge in the development of answers to social problems.”
-John Green, Former A-MSA President
A-MSA is an interdisciplinary organization and welcomes all social scientists in Alabama and Mississippi (and elsewhere) to join! The membership year runs from the close of one annual meeting to the close of the next.
Membership Dues
Faculty/Staff: $25
Student: $10
Lifetime: $500
Annual Conference
Upcoming Annual Meetings
Alabama State University
Date TBD
Previous Annual Meetings
Virtual Annual Conference
Mississippi Valley State University (Virtual)
February, 25, 2022​
Virtual Paper Competitions for Undergraduate and Graduate Students
Alabama State University
February 27-28, 2020
Mississippi State University
February 21-22, 2019

The Alabama-Mississippi Sociological Association is a welcoming place for all students interested in sociology and the social sciences. A-MSA has a tradition of strong involvement by undergraduate and graduate students and holds competitions for best student paper and poster presentations with cash awards.